Tuition and Fees

office hours

Monday-Friday: 8AM-4PM



Application Fee: $25/student - Due with Application

*The Application does not guarantee admission. The admission committee will evaluate each applicant based upon information submitted with the application. If your child has a(n) IEP/504 Plan, please submit a copy of it with the application. 

Registration Fee: $295/child - Due June 1st

Curriculum Fees: Due July 1st

K3/K4 - $180.00

K5-3rd Grades - $390

4th-8th Grades - $370

9th-12th Grades - $370

Technology Fee:  $150.00.  (9th-12th Grades Only) - Due July 1st

Annual Tuition:       

K3-K4: $5,000.00    ($500 per month due on the first of the month August through May)

K5-3rd: $7,440.00   ($744 per month due on the first of the month August through May)

4th-8th:  $6845.00  ($684.50 per month due on the first of the month August through May)

9th-12th: $6575.00  ($657.50 per month due on the first of the month August through May)

Payments are due on the 1st of the month and late after the 15th.  Any late payments will incur a late fee of $25. All payments are nonrefundable.

*Tuition Assistance: We accept most scholarships and may be able to offer additional need-based scholarships/assistance to those students who fill out an application and are approved.

Before-Care Fee: $15/week         After-Care Fee: $40/week

*Before/After-care is available to enrolled students only. The fee is charged and paid on a weekly basis whether a student is there for one day or all week. Before-care will be from 7:15-8:15 AM. After-care will be from 3:45-6:00 PM (2:45-6:00 PM on Wednesdays).  Students not picked up by 6:00 PM will incur a late fee of $1/minute late.

Additional Fees

Student Agenda (Required for all students 3rd Grade and above): $15

Academic Tutoring: $50/hour

Group Music Lessons: $40 Registration plus $10/wk

Individual Music Lessons: $40 Registration plus $25/30 minute session

Counseling/Behavioral Services: $50/session

Early Withdrawal Fee: $200/student 

Detention (after school): $15/incident

Graduation (K4 & K5 only): $40

Graduation (High School Seniors only): $100

End of Year 8th Grade Banquet: $60

St. Cloud Christian Academy does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, nationality, or ethnicity

in the admission and administration of our educational practices.

All fees are non-transferable and non-refundable