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What Curriculum Does St. Cloud Christian Academy Use?

K3-12th Grade Curriculum                                                    All SCCA students will have access to a curriculum developed by Abeka. This curriculum was chosen for its dedication to growing each student in their understanding and knowledge of both Jesus' teachings and the subject matters that are critical to their educational development. It embraces an approach towards both mind and soul. This curriculum offers each student a chance in a safe and caring, teacher-led classroom to learn:

Spiral Approach

  • Abeka’s spiral approach—building from the simple to the complex, with frequent review and application within each grade and from grade to grade.
    • This means you prevent learning gaps.
    • The work you put in now pays off later.
    • Since repetition is the key to learning, concepts are truly learned—and remembered.
    • Because concepts aren’t presented just one time, or in one way, it means students are given multiple opportunities to be successful.
    • Rough days are less stressful when students don’t have just ONE CHANCE to make sure they understand a concept.

Learning Preferences

  • When faced with the 3 major learning styles (auditory, visual, and kinesthetic, or hearing, seeing, and doing), learning preferences are how you prefer, if given a choice, to learn something. Instead of favoring 1 and neglecting the others, we incorporate all 3.
    • By using all 3, students are taught to be adaptable, resilient learners.
    • They are being prepared for college and real life.
    • This is what the best teachers do to help their students learn.

Cross-subject Integration

  • Pulling in concepts from 1 subject into several others to reinforce understanding and tie learning together.
    • Learning comes to life more with cross-subject integration (like when students learn about Abraham Lincoln in history, read about him in language arts, do a project with pennies and top hats in art, and write a story using what they know).
    • Students feel a sense of familiarity and accomplishment when they see something they’ve already learned (like spelling words) “pop up” in another subject (like science or literature). They’re set up to succeed.
    • It engages curiosity and emphasizes the big picture.

What will students learn with abeka?

What kind of people will they become? Leading students down the path toward academic excellence and Christian character isn’t easy, but it will always be worth it. We're here to help.

Our aim is for each student to grow intellectually, morally, and spiritually.


Teaching from a practical, traditional approach will develop your students intellectually. They’ll be able to demonstrate appropriate grade-level knowledge aligned with our scope and sequence, achieve or exceed grade-level scores on nationally normed standardized testing, and pursue a college program of study.


Through traditional teaching designed to help instill good character and by meeting program expectations, students will be able to display personal integrity in their everyday lives and discern right from wrong.


Because of daily Bible instruction and use of a Christian curriculum, students will be able to apply biblical truths from God’s Word to their own lives, demonstrate knowledge of the doctrines of the Bible, and choose prayer and memorizing Scripture to grow in their faith.